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Home » The path may be different, but the direction is the same

The path may be different, but the direction is the same

3D Makers and their process

The past month has probably been the most enlightening month I have had this year.

I was lucky enough to go away with my family and man for two weeks to the Karoo. Location-wise we were in the middle of nowhere and nothing, just the way we like it.

It was a time for me to clear my mind where the most important decision for the day was deciding when to ask my dad to light the fire for the donkey so that we could all shower with warm water.

I did find that my mind started switching off from work-mode and I eventually started to relax because I had purposefully forgotten all work-related technologies and books at home.

We did a lot of adventuring and hiking, finding ourselves in exciting yet unpredictable circumstances at times.

I am not one who is afraid of the water since I pretty much had fins as a child, but I re-evaluated my life as we had to cross a river more than once on foot whilst hiking to a cave.

I was waist deep as we went through the water, hugging rocks to make sure the current didn’t sweep me away whilst my man elegantly leaped across the rocks like Legolas- barely getting wet (so annoying and impressive at the same time).

I found myself thinking that if I was swept away by the water, I would probably be able to swim and save myself. But Legolas over there, did he win the gold medal in breaststroke when he was 12? No.

So, chances of survival in the water were in my favour and bouncing around on rocks would just lead to me having to be airlifted out of the canyon.

My point in a not so straight forward way is that each person has their process and what makes them feel safe, but you need to remember when to push yourself and what your limits are.

I have been pushing so hard to create 3D Clay Printed works that are “gallery worthy” and placed so much pressure on myself that I felt crippled in my work.

By the time I got home from the holiday I decided to change my focus and just to create and see where it takes me.

In a perfect world I could be an artist that can just knock out twenty works and be like “Ta-da!”.

But my process I have discovered is just different.

There has been a constant evolution in my work over the past few months and discovering what I want to say is in the final stage.

Until I feel confident enough to swim, even against the current, I will give myself more time.

Showcasing work when I know I could do better is just not my style.

Some may say, just jump, don’t be scared, but to be honest I have never been scared to jump, which means my 3D Clay works will be ready when I feel ready and confident in them.

In other news I am currently also working on creating workshops for individuals and groups who will be able to see the 3D Clay printer in action!

I have found that 3D Makers around the world have been very engaging and open to share ideas and information which has really helped me in my personal learning process of 3D Clay Printing.

I feel it is important to share the knowledge and invite others to do the same.

I once felt so lonely feeling like I was a little fish in a very big pond, but the more you chat to people and hear their processes and stories, the more you realise we are all the same.

Some jumping over the rocks and others walking through the water.

Your path may be different, but the direction is the same.

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